Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sad Day

The world lost a beautiful person last Sunday. She was 39 years old, has 2 boys – ages 6 and 9 – and her husband works with my husband. We’ve known them for 10 years. While I knew her little more than social functions and work gatherings, enterprise wives are kindred spirits. We have a silent, unbreakable, mutual bond which is single parenthood. She was a fun, lively person and from the words at her funeral, she will be missed.

It was one of those funerals you absolutely dread. We’ve all been to funerals in which we were prepared for the individuals’ death. This was not one of those… 2 weeks ago, this woman was alive, healthy and cooking dinner for her family and making preparations for company that would be visiting for Easter.

A week later, her short life was over… she died of complications from the flu.

THE FLU? yeah, the flu.

{insert shocked silence}

The moment the family walked into the chapel behind that casket, including our dear friend with his arms around his boys of whom he is now a single dad to,  my heart broke. And to be honest, I thought I might throw up. The thought of my own frailty and the indefinite amount of time we are guaranteed to walk this Earth, hit me. I, my children, my husband, my siblings, parents, friends could be gone… with little to no warning. The thought filled me with sorrow and made me want to hide.

The service was a good one – lots of memories, tears and laughter. The messages about hope and life after death prevailed and sought to bring peace to that sweet, loving family. I don’t know what comfort it brought them, but I hope they can seek strength from a power greater than their own and somehow begin their lives anew.

All I know is, I came home and hugged my kids a little harder and made sure they knew that I think they are the greatest gifts God has ever given me. I kissed my husband, passionately, while he was vacuuming – in the middle of the day, in front of all my children – because I just love him so, so much. I made sure to laugh a little louder, scold a little less and enjoy the tulips blooming in my front yard.

I don’t know what tomorrow will hold but for now, I’m just grateful there was a today.