Monday, June 4, 2012

Let the adventures begin!

I've decided I can't camp. I'm just not good at it.
Nor do I enjoy it.
But I do love hiking, campfires, rivers, exploring and letting my kiddos get dirty.
Good thing we live where we do.
There is an overabundace of those things within a 20 minute drive. and they only take a half a day at the most.
No sleeping on rocks required. It's now my life's mission to explore the four corners of this beautiful, albeit a little odd, state we live in.
So, we started with Battle Creek Falls.
It's a hidden gem in Pleasant Grove.
it's an awesome family outing.










It never ceases to amaze how all of my kids, but especially Aj, are so happy doing these out-doorsy things. I mean, these kids could totally be addicted to electronics and sit in front of them, very happily, for HOURS.

But let them loose in the woods and i've got wild mountain men in the making.
Seeing them climbing, exploring, dirty and smiling makes me just so, so happy.

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