Wednesday, March 27, 2013


When I became a mom i resolved to NOT do a couple of things -
1) Lose my temper
2) Care about what my kids hair looks like
There were more, I'm sure, but those are the only ones I really remember.
#1 I broke a long time ago and pretty much break it on a daily basis. At least I still remember that I, at one point, had made that resolution. AND pretty much make the same resolution on a daily basis... at least once. Ah-hem.
#2 is going well. I try really hard not to care how my kids cut their hair. it's just hair. it grows.
And as a girl who was once bald for an extended period of time, i would know.
Sydney tested the resolve when she cut her pony-tail off right. Aj tests it about every 8 weeks... when I go to get his haircut again.
I have only one rule - it has to be combed.
Gavin opts for as short as possible, but not a buzz, so he doesn't HAVE to comb it. There is nothing that irritates him more than 'crunchy' hair. Luckily, as a swimmer whose hair has been destroyed by chloring, it pretty much crunches all on it's own. A little water and that damaged hair doesn't move.
Sydney is currently into a "side-bang" that doesn't go over her glasses but pushes off her face. And she wants it long - like "Tangled". Of course she does. I will be super appreciative of Disney when they create a princess with a pixie-cut. That would be fantastic. She loves her long-ish hair these days but hates the snarls. So, everyday I remind her that we can cut it and it won't be so tough to comb (see Rule #1 about resolve #2) but everyday she reminds ME that she wants her hair long... like "Tangled."
Aj, on the other hand, wears his personality on his head. Crazy. Unpredictable. Fun. Authentic. For months, we grew his hair out. MONTHS. it was so long that when it was combed forward, it covered his eyes. And that boy has some THICK hair. it's obscene. I'm so jealous I could be sick. I was trying to train it to the side but it wouldn't go... maybe because he was always shaking it into his eyes.
I was so tired of that hair. It drove me nuts. We went through a whole bottle of detangler on HIM in a month.
So a couple of nights ago, he decided he wanted it cut like Neymar's. That's a soccer player. I know that now because google helped me. Thank goodness for google. It saved me a major UNcool-mom moment. here's what google showed me Neymar's hair is like -

We went to cookie cutters. They asked me how to cut his hair. I gulped again as aj said, "like Neymar". They looked it up. They looked at me.
No tail, I said.
That short on the sides? they said. That long on the top?
it's just hair.
I nodded. The hairstylist got really excited. THIS is going to be fun, she said.
Here's what I walked into the store with -

Here's what I walked out with -

Have mercy.
It's my own little version of Neymar.
He loves it.
I sort of do, too.
It totally fits him.

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