When Gavin was 3, we started him on medication for asthma.
When Aj was 8 months old, we started him on mediation for asthma.
For years, every time they'd get a cold, all they would do is cough, breathe in their nebulizer and then eventually get put on steroids to calm their reactive airways.
When Syd, my preemie with the delicate lungs came along, i assumed the worst. Reactive airways city.
For years, she would get a cold and in 3-5 days, she was better.
We got a normal one.
Until this week...
One random night, she started coughing. 3 days later, the cough worsened - but only at night. And no runny nose, no fever.
please, please bless this goes away.
5 days later, the cough worsened... no runny nose, no fever. and she started vomiting.
7 days later, it became a day/night cough - no runny nose, no fever, and vomiting with the cough. but no mucous.
Classic Reactive Airway Symptoms. Google it. You'll see - I'm right.
I took her to the doctor.
Please, please, please bless it's just a weird sinus infection that is causing major post-nasal drip. Please.
I left the doctor's office with a prescription for a steroid and nebulized albuterol.
I knew it - I denied it - he confirmed it...Reactive Airway
3 for 3
At least we're consistent.
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