Saturday, March 31, 2012


Aj and Syd found a ladybug today.

This ladybug provided them with endless hours of entertainment. They named him “speedy”. They said he was their “best pet”. They giggled, whispered and carefully tended to that ladybug like only children can.

It made my heart smile.

I kind of figured, that since he hadn’t flown away, he was on the last quarter of his life cycle. I knew his time was limited. I was hoping he would last until they lost interest.

No such luck.

Tonight, disaster struck.

Speedy took his last breath.

“WHY did he have to DIE? I love him SO much! All I want to do is feel him crawling up my skin again!”

heart-wrenching, body-wracking sobs filled all 3 of my children. 2 were grieving for that little ladybug and 1 was feeling his siblings’ pain.

It was a tender, sweet, exasperating evening. We drew him pictures, wrote him letters and stroked tear-filled faces until they finally fell asleep. Every time I left their rooms, they would start with a new round of tears.

I felt for them… truly, I did. It’s a hard life lesson to realize everything in life dies, no matter how much you love it, care for it or will it to live. But it’s just a part of life. As sydney said, so eloquently, in her tearful state,

“Everything gets borned so everything gets died. Otherwise, there would be too much ladybugs, huh, mama?”

Truer words were never spoken.

RIP, Speedy…

We’ll miss you and remember the happiness you brought us with fond hearts.

Thank-you for bringing my babies such joy today.

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