Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Banquet Faux-Pas

I’m in charge of the swim banquet next week. We’re doing a taco bar. And because I’m cheap, I’m cooking everything myself and asking for food donations so we can spend our hard-earned money on much needed equipment. The families of the swim team have been extremely generous and we should have more than enough food for everyone. We’re expecting about 100-125 people. Shredded pork, shredded chicken, rice, beans, chips, salsa, water and lots of potlucked desserts.

One family has 3 swimmers on the team and hasn’t RSVP-ed yet. I emailed them and asked if they were coming and how many…

I received the following response this morning:

“I need to know what they’re having for dinner because {so and so} only eats pizza.”


I get picky eaters – really, I do. But I never, NEVER ask what is on the menu because, well, it’s rude. And life doesn’t revolve around what my kids will or won’t eat. If I think they won’t, I feed them ahead of time and insist they try a bite of whatever is put in front of them before they get dessert. And they do. They usually hate it but I don’t care. They tried it.

I’m still kind of shaking my head at the email.

For real????

Am I the only one who thinks this is so, so, so rude?


  1. I think it's rude. And I think you're an amazing mom taking on that much work (yikes!) AND saving the team money to use elsewhere. Go you.

  2. It's totally rude and inconsiderate. I am shocked when people do things like that -- but should I be, really?
