Tuesday, March 13, 2012

It’s a REAL school

So – I’ve got a bone to pick. With People. And my job that I happen to love.

I teach 3 yr. old preschool. The school is called Discovery Day Preschool and it is run out of my dear friends’ home.

Nope – it’s not in her living room. We don’t use her dining room table to eat snack at. There is an actual classroom above her garage.

I have 11 students. Today we learned about the number 7, counted to 20, cut with scissors, talked about the weather, played with play-do, danced to “the number rock”, counted some more and hid our new friend, Lucky the Leprechaun, under various numbers and tried to find him. We had recess for 7 minutes. We had circle time, centers, read an Eric Carle story, lined up quietly, had independent reading, did calendar, the pledge, answered a question, identified and wrote our names, chose a helper for the day, cleaned up, had snack, cleaned up again, laughed, cried a little, gave lots of hugs and smiles and sent them all home.

Best 2 hours of my day.

It’s not playtime the entire time. It’s not a daycare. It’s not a glorified playgroup. We learn {a lot} and we have {a lot} of fun.

And, no, I don’t wear sweats to school… most days. =) I’m grateful to have the flexibility to come straight from the gym but I do try to present myself with some authority. I usually wear makeup. I always comb my hair.

I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, with an emphasis in Child Development. This isn’t so far out of my reach. I’m qualified. I’m not just a bored, stay-at-home mom learning a new hobby.

Lacy has her associates in Early Childhood Education and has been doing this for 10 years. She is my idol.

I happen to think very highly of her curriculum. I think it’s the perfect balance of academics, art, music and play in a very structured, consistent environment.

So, do me a favor, and stop acting like my job and my preschool is insignificant compared to “other”, more “qualified” preschools you can find. I believe in what we do – in what I do.

We give our students building blocks to learn and succeed throughout their lives as well as helping them to love their first school experience and give them the confidence they need for academic success. Do my 3 year-olds read? No. But both of my own children started kindergarten reading at a first grade level and attended Discovery Day preschool.

And they loved it as much as I do.

It’s a real school and a real job and I love it. I love my students. I love to teach. And I’m good at it.


  1. Gosh, next you'll want us to think being a mom is a real job too! ;)

    1. you know you're on my top 10 list of favorite people ever, right jill? =)

  2. 1- You go girl.
    2 - What the crap? People think that? and then have the balls to SAY it to you? You guys are rockstar preschool teachers (maybe you should rename it: rockstar preschool) and I'll kick the butts of people who tell you otherwise!

    1. oh, julie... the stories i could tell you. why haven't we had lunch yet?

  3. wow. People really are clueless sometimes. *sigh* I am so excited for you. You are so incredible with children. I learned so much from you the weekend I stayed with you. I bet you didn't know that I was watching your every move all the while I was being lazy on your couch. LOL. I have picked up a lot of your little tricks and you have so much energy to be able to teach three-year-olds and then be a mom. You are amazing and I admire you and your talents! Why don't we live closer to each other?????
