I typically have been a little teary on the first day of school.
Not this year.
I really detest kindergarten. It's too short and It chops up the day. You still can't go on field trips with your other kids, Syd still got dragged to help me out at the school all the time and i still had to feed her lunch (wah, wah - i know). Although, I have to say, i do LOVE those Snow Springs kindergarten teachers. They are the best.
I'm so grateful for first grade.
I'm so grateful for the simplicity of this year.
Everyone is at the same school... on the same time schedule.
homework - lunches - helmets - bikes - bike lock
Kiss and hug.
Have a great day... together.
There is great comfort knowing they have each other when I'm not there.
(And not only did I get A LOT accomplished, but I got some "me" time with a friend, too...
Heaven on Earth.)
I'm keeping my fingers crossed and holding my breath but I'm feeling optimistic this year.
No tears this year.
Hope - Faith - Optimism - Excitement
It's so fun to watch them grow.
That's awesome! Do I see a new car in the background too?!