Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Unlikely friendships

My Aj was describing his “new” best friend to me the other day. It went like this -


“We have so much in common! We both have really big burps, we’re both really funny, we both have a favorite animal, we have the same shirt ‘cuz we were on the same soccer team once and when I fell in the mud, we both laughed our guts out.”


I Just Love that child.


It’s made me look at the friendships in my life… the ones that have endured the test of time, the ones that have faded away, the ones that intermittently come and go depending on if we’re just doing the same thing at the same time.

I am fortunate to have two of my best friends related to me… and it’s not because we are so much alike. Our similarities end with our DNA.

My sisters and I couldn’t be more different. I think what we actually have in common is fairly similar to Aj’s best friend.

And as I was texting one of my sisters this morning and giggling over our silly exchange, I have never been so grateful to have both of them in my life.

We have not always been close.

We have not always been kind to each other.***

*** (Okay… that only goes for the one just older than me. You can’t always be kind when you share a room with someone and they insist on invading your personal space when you take a shower and sleeping with the door completely shut even when you are terrified of the dark. All I wanted was a crack of light. Is that too much to ask? But my younger sister wouldn’t hurt a fly. She only retaliates when she is really hurt… and you have to really go out of your way  to hurt her and I’m not sure why anyone would.)  ***

But we have always, always loved each other. And when I’ve begged forgiveness from each of them for things I did to hurt them that still plague me, they can’t even remember what I’m talking about.

And when I need to chat, vent, giggle, cry, confess or just have an easy UN-filtered conversation, I just pick up the phone.

And when we get together, it’s just SO fun… it’s not frequent enough… but being with my two best friends is one of my favorite things to do… no matter what it is.

And no matter what, when one of us falls in the mud, we all laugh our guts out.

And then we pick each other up.


  1. For the record, I was only trying to help you overcome your fear of the dark! You aren't afraid of the dark anymore are you??? LOL!!

  2. i think you are mistaken, i dont think you would fall in the mud, one of your brothers would push you in it :P just so we all can laugh <3

  3. You made me teary!!! I would definitely agree that you two are two of my best friends as well!!! I love you so much!!!
