Friday, May 31, 2013

We survived!!

There seems to be a sentiment floating across the blogosphere and FB about the never-ending end of the school-year festivities. I'm throwing my hat in the ring because it really has been a doozy this year. We made it... but by the skin of our teeth.

Testing begins in March and goes through April. Also, last book reports and major projects.

All assignments and extra-credit was due a couple of weeks ago.

There was also teacher appreciation, graduations of sorts, end-of-the-year parties, field trips, field day, etc., etc.

I also get to throw in the fact that there were MULTIPLE swim meet sign-ups and soccer tryouts.

Every week would start with, "oh, it's not so bad... If I just get through WEDNESDAY, the rest of the week will be fine. And then by WEDNESDAY, more events/notes/assignments/tryouts/swim meets would fill my calendar for the rest of the week.

Since about mid-April, I've been in survival mode. Like, don't open your calendar for the next day until midnight of the previous day survival mode. It wasn't a great strategy but it was the only one I could handle without convincing myself that the universe was plotting against me.

I think that's why we planned a spur-of-the-moment vacay to Moab for Mother's Day.

I think that's why, when Gavin had a massive melt-down at school last week - refusing to do any more assignments - I checked him out early and took him to lunch.

I think that's ALSO why I've successfully taken out the city's supply of French fries.

Aj brought home spelling homework the last full week of school. He told me he left his words at school. I told him to leave his words at school and just do math.

There was a lot of mismatched clothes and make-shift lunches and "are you SURE you don't like school lunch?" because  that's where we were for the last couple of weeks. Convenience and Ease. And lots of under-the-breath cursing.

Today, I didn't get out of bed until 9 AM. It was awesome. In the meantime, my kids gleefully made their own extra-large-portioned, non-healthy, syrup ridden breakfasts. I'm trying to turn a blind-eye to the constant disaster that is summer. I totally forgot about that part.

This seems to be a no-win situation here.

I have 2 choices: a)Either they go to school all-day and bring me mounds of has-to-get-done-by-the-next-day stuff to do between the hours of 3 and 7... OR.. b)they are home all-day and bring me mounds of my-house-is-a-mess-and-do-you-really-need-to-eat-again stuff to do between 9 and 7.


I have to admit.

I honestly DO enjoy their company and hearing the cute sounds of them playing and their funny conversations. I even like playing WITH them. I think I prefer choice B, although I'm really praying the clean-up-after/feed-my-kids-fairy comes along and takes the place of me... who is not such a fairy but a witch. I REALLY need to work on the whole "whistle while you work" philosophy.

In the meantime, I'm just going to be really proud that we survived another school year, the kids got great grades and that they seem to be thriving in the wake of my insanity.

Hats off to summer - I'm sure we'll survive this as well. We might even have some fun while we're at it.

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