Can i just start this off by saying that i'm grateful my little girl has stopped trying to pee everywhere like my boys do? She has accepted at least this tenet of her gender... when girls pee standing up, they get their shoes wet.
My boys are both under-trampoline urinators. Sometimes they pee OFF the tramp.
The other day, during a bike ride, they - without communicating this (at least in front of me... it was probably planned beforehand) - simultaneously jumped off their bikes and peed by the side of the road.
Often, they'll be a little late getting home and it's because someone had to stop to pee... on a tree.
i feel like i should buy them leashes and start walking them twice a day.
the other day, Aj upped the anty when he peed by the SIDE of the pool (this is why flip-flops where invented... and chlorine. bless you, chlorine.), IN the car and IN the neighbor's garbage can... all in about a 2 hour block of time.
I don't get it. Maybe it's something on the y-chromosome that makes them feel like it's ok to pee wherever and whenever they want. We've discussed the inappropriateness of it. I've told them they need to pee in toilets. I've told them they aren't animals. I've discussed it with them calmly, i've screamed at them and i've smacked their bare butts when they so happily display them in public.
They just can't seem to figure it out.
it's NEVER, NOT ONCE occurred to me that peeing anywhere but a toilet would be fun or even remotely okay. in fact, i think it would be a little humiliating and gross.
Something about summer makes them feel a little too carefree for my liking.
I'm working on it.
Lmfao. I'll have to train Jimmy from the start. My brother used to stick his penis out the front door to pee. I think the bathroom was even closer.